Saturday, March 24, 2012

Liam Brooks!

Well today at 10:30 a.m. we found out sweet pea is indeed a BOY!! I'm so excited! Now I'm just ready to hold him! It was so crazy seeing him again. Last sonogram was at 11 weeks and Liam's legs were barely NUBS! His head was huge and he just looked like a little fish! Now at 16 weeks we saw his legs crossed, his feet, toes, fingers, face, everything :) Which by the way he has his daddy's big juicy lips, haha. I cannot wait to meet this precious baby boy and give him the love and attention I've been waiting to give him!
Mommy loves you Liam Brooks Bordelon<3


  1. Congratulations on finding out about your beautiful baby boy!

  2. Thank you! When do you find out what youre having?!

  3. Actually, daddy doesn't want to find out..SO we may not. I had an ultrasound yesterday and my next one is scheduled for May 7 and I'll be 19 weeks so I think if we finally decide to find out that will be the day.
