Sunday, April 15, 2012

Things I can't wait to do with my son:

  • Watch him try his first sour food
  • Help him catch his first fish
  • See the look on his face on Christmas mornings
  • Take him to the zoo
  • Take pictures of his daddy giving him a piggy back ride :]
  • Go the aquarium
  • The look on his face when he first sees his little brother/sister
  • I can't wait to find out what kind of person he will be
  • Teach him how to save money and earn toys
  • Can't wait to hear "I love you mommy!"
  • Finger paint! :]
  • Arts and crafts
  • Bath time, brush teeth, comb hair, story time, then bed time.
  • To see his reaction to catching a frog
  • Watch him play and share with other kids
  • To have snack time
  • Listen to his sweet little laugh
  • Have tickle fights<3
  • Make smores!
  • Can't wait to teach him to love nature
  • Watch cartoons with him
  • Take him to the beach and make sand castles
  • Teach him how to swim
  • Play twister, hide and seek, tag, etc.

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