Tuesday, April 10, 2012

17 Weeks

How far along? 17 Weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: 121-123 is where I'm supposed to be at.. I'm at 126.. :] lol
Maternity clothes? Definitely getting too big for my size 3 maternity pants. They're just getting tight.. everywhere. Bought a bunch of new maxi dresses and summer dresses though!

Stretch Marks? More on my boobs. Woo hoo -__-
Sleep: Bad. Falling asleep is the worst, I wake up frequently, then can't get comfortable nor go back to sleep. And our bed is a queen- too small for Chris, me, and my body pillow :(
Best moment this week: Easter! I got a freakin awesome tan! (it's true that pregnant skin tans faster!!) We had a blast out at Chris' grandma's.. But I feel guilty about riding 4wheelers and not drinking as much water as I usually do. i also have been forgetting to take my prenatals so I'm freaking out.
Miss Anything? Umm, not being fat.. Just a few minutes ago I dropped my phone behind the bed.. I can't fit under the bed anymore and I was seriously so upset about it that to keep from crying I had to laugh it off. :(

Movement: You can feel his kicks on the outside now when I'm lying on my back. It's so crazy but I love it!!!
Food cravings: Beef stew, pickle juice, green apples, carrots, fruit punch gatorade, milk (odd because I'm lactose intolerant and absolutely hate dairy products) and water water water!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Solid cheese. If it's melted I'll live but if it's solid I just can't do it.
Have you started to show yet: My belly definitely popped out this week. You can finally tell I'm pregnant, yipppe! :]
Gender: BOY!
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Seriously coming out more and more each day. It's gross lol.

Engagement rings on or off? Onnnn.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! :]

Looking forward to: Liam's anatomy scan on April 27th, hopefully everything is growing the right way! Fingers crossed! and a doctor appoinment they managed to add in back to back!
Symptoms: I get cold, then hot, then cold, then hot. It's very annoying.

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