Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Busy Busy Busy..

Okay first off, we decided not to go with the guitars bedding. We want to do basically every shade of blue possible and brown in his room. So it's simple but also colorful and not girly the least bit.

Secondly, I'm 18 weeks and 2 days, which means I only have 22 more weeks to go. It has seriously gone by so fast, but when I look back at when we first found out I was pregnant it seems like it's been forever since then. He looks like this:
He has started kicking like crazy. I love it so so much. It's pretty much all I look forward to all day long.
Last but not least, I have to create another post of my 17 week update. In a few days I'll be posting bunches of pregnancy pictures we took this weekend on Easter! I can't wait to photoshop them. I will also be posting my 18 week update this week. Busy, busy.

Tonight I plan on making beef stew. I've been craving it for the past few weeks and  I think it's time to give in! ;] It won't be ready until tomorrow though so for dinner tonight I'm going to make Baked Potatos, Grilled Shrimp, and Lemon Pepper Chicken :] My fiance likes to grill so I'm hoping he won't mind doing the grilling lol. I have to go grocery shopping when he gets home.

ALSO!! We finally found a townhouse that we like and it's not extremely pricey! It's two story and the 3 bedroom is only $25 more a month than the 2 bedroom so we're going with the 3 bedroom. I'm so excited I could die.. Not really but I'm pretty excited :]

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