Tuesday, April 24, 2012

20 Weeks 4 Days

I'm sorry I've been behind these past few weeks!
How far along? 20 Weeks!! Halfway there baby!
Total weight gain/loss: +23 pounds 4/24/12
Maternity clothes? Sweats, shorts, tshirts, flip flops. That's the only comfortable thing now. My maternity pants no longer fit due to my overgrown ass cheeks and thighs, lovely.
Stretch Marks? Nope. Hoping there aren't going to be any :[
Sleep: Bad, just badddd. 
Best moment this week: Well Sat-Mon we went to Galveston. I got a tan and we had lots of fun and ate so much lol :]
Miss Anything? Being able to do normal everyday things!
Movement: He kicks whenever I put something on my stomach, he's gunna be a little stinker ;]
Food cravings: Beef stewwww!! & a Strawberry Frap -no whip- from Starbucks, yumm.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope
Have you started to show yet: Yikes, he's getting biggg. He almost weighs a pound!
Gender: BOY! :]
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Coming out coming out coming out!

Engagement rings on or off? On, I'm not swelling at all.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but still cry a lot lol. Especially when I watch Long Island Medium. I cry through the whole stinkin' show!

Looking forward to: Meeting Liam and holding him. I had a break down this week and started freaking out. I think it finally hit me that I have a little man counting on me for everything now. It's quite overwhelming, but also an amazing feeling.
Symptoms: Back painnnn!

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