Saturday, April 14, 2012

18 Weeks

How far along? 18 Weeks.
Total weight gain/loss: 13 pounds, DANG! You're supposed to only gain 40 lbs. A pound a week.
Maternity clothes? Stickin to my maxi's they're the only comfortable thing now.

Stretch Marks? Nope, been lathering up like CRAZY.
Sleep: It's been very good lately. :]
Best moment this week: Seeing Chris' paycheck! I'm so proud of him<3 He works his butt off!
Miss Anything? Honestly I wouldn't mind having a nice big rita on the beach right now.
Movement: His kicks are getting more frequent and harder, I think he's going to be a big baby.
Food cravings: Beef stew. I made it on Monday then again Thursday. Ate allll of it. Mm, mm, mmm!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really, only the smell of Chris' morning breathe lol!
Have you started to show yet: I can no longer see my toes if I look straight down. Oh joyyy.. 
Gender: BOY! :]
Labor Signs: Nope.
Belly Button in or out? Coming out coming out coming out!

Engagement rings on or off? Onnnn.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Ehh, I was a bit moody this week. More grumpy and not so emotional though.

Looking forward to: Signing up for child birthing classes this week! & getting a free massage :]
Symptoms: Back pain, that's about it though.

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