Thursday, May 10, 2012

22 Weeks 4 Days

This week is going by so slow, bleh!
How far along? 22 Weeks :]
Total weight gain/loss: 19 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Maxi dressses
Stretch Marks? Newppp.
Sleep: It's good!
Best moment this week: Finally got my cap & gown. Oh and we get our new house in 5 days :]
Miss Anything? Not really.
Movement: He's kicking Chris' hand as I type!
Food cravings: Spaghetti-o's, fried green beans, cauliflower.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The smell of coffee is really overwhelming.
Have you started to show yet: Oh yeahh.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Decorating our new house and nesting like crazy until Liam gets here!
Symptoms: Noneee.

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