Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm Back!

Hey everyone! Sorry I completely abandoned my blog, but I'M BACK! And guess who made their arrival?!

He was born September 7, 2012 after 3 hours of pushing! Little man came into this world at 7:28pm with wide eyes and pouty lips. He weighed a whopping 8lbs 11oz! I was awestruck by the sight of him, holding him, kissing him.. Watching his little movements instead of just feeling them from the inside. It was like the whole world stopped spinning, all noises were muffled and everything but him was a blur. That's all I remember, is him.
I walked that whole day- laps around the mall, to the fabric store, and around my moms hospital. I got home at 2 and my mom told me if I would take a tablespoon of castor oil that she was buy me the Vera Bradley bag I had been wanting my entire pregnancy to use as a diaper bag. So I took it, then went to take a nap. Woke up an hour later to horrible contractions. I waited a while to go into Triage though because from 30+ weeks I was in there every week.. I HATED being there.
The contractions got unbearable at 3pm. So we went in to labor and delivery.. When I got there I started filling out the usual paper work, then my contractions just stopped.. I didn't feel pain anymore or anything. I was NOT happy about that because now I was already booked into Triage and they were getting ready to hook me on monitors and get my urine sample, blood drawn, etc. So I stayed in hopes that they would come back. I had been there so many times though I felt it's still not time. He's not ready.
Boy was I wrong!
After I gave them my urine sample the contractions returned! And they were determined to kill me it seemed. Just when you think your body can't possible be in MORE pain, it does. Because the contractions only get WORSE and closer together. The nurse checked me and I was 1cm dilated. I was ignoring everything she was saying because I figured my contractions would stop and they would send me home like they had been for the past 9 weeks. She opened the curtain and said I'm being admitted and that we weren't leaving without a baby! My heart dropped and all I could do was smile. I couldn't believe it was finally time?!
I remember being wheeled to the room. Room 3. I studied it thoroughly. From the counter tops to the lights on the ceiling to the ugly white and pink speckled tile. I wanted to remember this moment forever, every detail of every second. They immediately gave me an epidural. I was progressing slowly and in a lot of pain so the on call doctor said to go ahead and get it. (I'm sure it helped that my mom was friends with my doctor and the anesthesiologist) That was a BIG plus. Night time creeped around and I was only at a 3, we had a ways to go.
Mom went home and Chris slept on the pull out bed. I didn't sleep very much at all. I was too excited and the epi would get a little weak every few hours.. They didn't want me too numb incase I had to start pushing anytime soon.
Morning time came around and I was only at a 5 or 6. So we waited.. and waited.. anddd waited. And waited a little more. I was starving and was craving water so bad but they wouldn't let me eat or drink. I seriously thought I was going to have to punch someone in the face if they didn't get me some water. So finally my nurse said it was okay to have ice chips. I munched on those for a while.
They started wheeling everything in the room. The table with all the little clamps and scissors and dinglehoppers. I got so excited! The doctor checked me and finally it was time to start pushing! I could feel the pressure of every contraction start to build up but no pain! My mom has one leg and Chris had the other while his mom pushed my neck and head forward with every contractions. I pushed for FOUR HOURS STRAIGHT. It was not fun at all. Every break I got after pushing my mom would feed me a spoonfull of ice chips.
Finally Liam popped out and I was in total shock, I couldnt help but to cry and laugh. Liam wouldnt breathe. He wouldn't move, cry, open his eyes, nothing. The doctor was wiggling him around, trying to stimulate him.. Still, nothing. A silent panic filled the room. "Wow he's sleeping good, eh?" The doctor said and he quickly handed baby Liam off to the prep nurse. She started to clean him off and Liam let out a loud gurgly cry. That was his voice, his little baby voice that I had been waiting to hear for so long. They finished cleaning him and checking his vitals.. All that good stuff, then they handed him to me. He cried and I kissed him. Then he opened his eyes and just looked at me.
It was the greatest moment of my entire life.